Finding Tania has turned out to be, for most of us, a fortune… A before and after in our lives.
Thank you so much, Tania!!!! I think that your training is a key foundation for families and also highly recommended to professionals that work with children. I’m both of them, and it has helped me to become aware, to have more tools and to learn lots of things. I still have to improve, but thanks to you, I see it clear now. Thank you again for your help.
“I feel great for having done this training with Tania. I recommend it to everyone. Thanks for making it possible. Kind regards.”
I’m so happy to have immersed myself in this training! I’m profoundly grateful and satisfied. Although it is online, I feel accompanied, guided and motivated. Many thanks, Tania, my heart’s speaking.
Getting to know Tania has marked a before and after in my way of educating. Thank you for being the way you are and give yourself to others like you do.
“Before having our first son, we just couldn’t imagine how hard it was to educate children… We thought that the correct way was to chew them out and oblige them to do whatever we said. With Tania, we have learned that education is about respect, love and showing them the way, instead of making it for them.”
After these months of training, I’ve realized that many patterns I had have changed with respect, calmness and the security that I’m doing it OK. All this makes everything flow now in our family, and we enjoy life. Happiness is all around! Thanks, Tania.
I’m so happy to have found this training and to have found you, Tania. This training should be obligatorily taught to every couple in birthing classes, to start doing it well from the beginning. It has been really useful for me, not only with my children but also with my husband. Do not hesitate, don’t wait until problems arise; this is a present for oneself and the family.
“These months of training with Tania have been full of deep reflection and have allowed us to reconsider some questions about the way we want to raise our little one. We would repeat with no doubt. Edurespect is a lovely and valuable project that will help us to achieve much more happy children and much more conscious parenthoods. THANKS for everything.”
I always knew I wanted a different education for my children. Sometimes felt that I was losing control and needed tools to manage some situations better. In Edurespect School, I found everything I was looking for. There was a surprise at the beginning of the training when I realized that, in fact, it all went beyond having the right tools. In my case, it was an inner search, a return to my childhood to understand where I came from, which education I wanted for my children and how to apply these tools at home. Such a fascinating trip! I have learned that if you feel good, everything else works. Your kids depend on you, they fully trust you, but only if you do a good job, everything will flow. Educating your children with respect is not an easy task, but I’m convinced that it will eventually be worth it. I want my kids to become free, independent and emotionally healthy adults. I would recommend this training to everyone who are committed to their children’s education, and those who feel that kids are their priority. Tania is a person who I’d always want to have by my side, I admire her work, and she inspires me a lot. She’s got it clear about her path and her contribution to the world’s improvement. Thank you so much, Tania, for everything you have taught me, and for making me a better mother and person.
I’m so happy with my decision of enrolling this training! At first, I wanted to improve as a mother, but it’s helping me to improve in all areas of life: as a parent, as a teacher, as a partner… I LOVE IT! Thank you so much, Tania, I’ll never stop expressing you my gratitude. Lots of love.
Without Tania’s training, I would lose my temper quickly. When I’m about to break, all her words come to me, and I’m able to take control.
After this training, I’m absolutely sure this is the kind of education I want for my children. I’ve gone back deep into my childhood, and I’ve checked the things I don’t want to pass on to my kids. We both have it clear that this is the education we want for them, one based on respect, and trying to give them the happiness they need. Tania, thanks from the heart.
I like this training so much. We are walking step by step; I reconsider some things and feel good. Thanks, Tania.
I’m so happy for doing this training. Since my daughter Elena was born, I was really keen on having a respectful upbringing for her. Thanks to this training I’ve been able to strengthen my previous knowledge and improve every day. I’ve reached to understand my children and my partner much better. What’s more, it has helped me with my own personal growth. Thanks, Tania, you are such an inspiration for many families.
“Without Tania, her articles and pieces of training, I wouldn’t be the mother I am today. Thanks!”
We’ve already improved a lot with the Siblings training. Our oldest son is now more understanding with the little one. We have started to understand as well the way they have to communicate between them and with us. We also understand their needs in every single moment. Thanks for your support and teachings.
“I still don’t have children, but I work as a teacher in kindergarten. Tania has helped me to do things differently and to realize that the most important thing is the respect towards children. I would like to continue training myself and learning how to help both children I work with and their families. Thanks.”
It is helping me a lot reading all your advice and reflections about respectful education. I’m on my way to transform my home into a place where respect and empathy surround everything. And say “I’m” because I’ve realized that I AM the responsible that makes everything flow: the way I am is the way we all are at home. So this process of searching for myself, of personal and emotional development, shared with the people I love most in the world, is being exciting and challenging at the same time. I don’t want to go back to old behaviors I don’t feel proud of. Anyway, walking and learning. I’ve learned to take things in a different way, to give them the exact importance, to share and laugh more, and to order less. I share with you the idea that it is empathy, and not patience, which moves us. With patience you do not put yourself in others’ shoes, you just put up with it. Compassion goes further: you understand others and respect them. When I sometimes feel that I’m moving away from the path I marked, I read your words again and listen to your videos again, and that makes me feel willing to reach my goal: that my children grow and develop themselves in a respectful environment. Thanks for everything.
I’m not a mother yet, but I’m a Psychologist. I do work with children, teenagers and families, and I try to bring with me everything I’ve learned with you (also with relatives of my own environment). Thank you so much for everything, I now see life from a different point. Tania, you arrived at me in a moment of change, and this was the one I needed.
Among other talents, Tania knows how to appear just at the right time. That was my case. And now, although there’s still a long way to walk, I have the keys to doors I thought I could never open. It’s providing me with such assurance, that I’m able to make use of everything I learn with my family and, at school, with my students, their parents and my colleagues. And, of course, I use all the tools in all areas of my life. Thanks for opening the path and showing me such an amazing universe.
“I already had some knowledge about respectful education and raising, but with Tania’s Intensive Training everything was organized, and I’ve learned a lot. Now I have a guide to follow and much more information. This training has empowered me with everything I do or want to do, which is essential, due to fears and doubts that I carried before. But what I would like to highlight above all is Tania’s absolute commitment towards children, this is something that she instills in you, from her very core, really authentic, and that’s what she transmits to all of us. To place oneself on children’s side has captivated me. We would need many more “Tanias” cause there’s still so much work to do!!”
“Finding Tania has been the best thing that could have happened to my family and me. We learn and improve every day and understand that children deserve to be treated the same respectful way we want to be treated. Thanks, Tania.”
Tania has helped us educate our three children without punishment or rewards, in an understanding and empathic environment. Something that we thought impossible has now turned into reality in our home. There are still difficult times, but we are happy we now have the tools to overcome them. Thanks, Tania.
“Tania, you have changed my life. Your tools have made me act in a different way, think in a different way and even feel in a different way. And those things have changed the ambiance around my children: their world has also changed. THANKS.”
“Thanks to this training, my motherhood has taken a turn into consciousness, and it has opened to a new approach. I’ve learned how to accompany my child on his way, to walk together with his emotions and to get a more close, healthy and negotiating relationship. The information received is extensive and valuable, and it invites you to a permanent reflection. All this leads you to achieve a more empathic, understanding and respectful point of view. Tania is a great professional, full of humanity and sensitivity towards children, and she transmits all that in every video, in every group meeting, and in every tutorial. Thanks, from the heart.”
Thanks from my heart, Tania. Everything I have learnt has helped me a lot, and I continue practising every day. I also thank myself for having chosen this training. There’s a big difference between those kids whose parents follow this type of education and the ones who don’t. As I’ve said before, thank you so much.
THANKS, Tania, for everything I’ve learned. Since the training has coincided with my newborn’s arrival, my maternity leave has been highly productive and full. Kind regards
“Thanks, Tania:
For teaching the pleasure of respectful education and how to really enjoy parenthood.
For shedding light to many families’ lives.
For making this world a better place. Since respectfully educating our children today will give fruits in the future, with emotionally healthy and committed adults.”
“I signed up for the course because, although I already had some knowledge about respectful education, although I knew that shouts are wrong, although I already had many principles of respectful education clear, something failed. Especially at nights, when there are so many awakenings. Also my desire to always continue learning moved me to enroll. And I do not regret. There is a lot of good, clearly explained and well-organized material. Tania is such an amazing woman, she’s always available and solves all your doubts. She is really kind, empathetic and always tries to help you as far as she can. I am still learning a lot and assimilating things, but of course, it is worth the effort.”
This training is helping me so much to get to know both myself and my family. I recommend it from the heart.
Tania, congratulations on your work, I admire your way of transmitting ideas. I’m really thankful and happy for being a part of this training, for being able to nourish myself with all your knowledge, for having found you in my life’s road. I’m learning lots of things and reinforcing others. Conflicts management is improving, but also the way I accompany them. Thank you so much.
I’m really excited about the training and more motivated every day. I love everything I’m learning from you; it makes me feel happier every day. At home, everything is also easier, more beautiful and encouraging every day. ¡¡¡ THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I’ve been so lucky to have found you and to have been able to access this knowledge that you transmit so well. Kind regards.
I can only say “well done, Tania”!!!! I love your approach and think it is going to help us a lot. I wish many other families could access this training. There is plenty of valuable and well-organized material. We’ll continue learning with you, Tania, thank you very much.
I’ve never been so sure about the kind of education I want for my kids. An education based on mutual respect, in which they are the engine of my life. Love, affection, empathy, active listening… This training has given me more than all that I had learned in the previous ten years of my eldest child. It has made me grow and get to know me. And it has secured and improved our family relationship, making my children being aware and making it possible to have much more connection and trust. This training amazes us day after day.
Nothing would be the same without having your learnings always in mind. The empathy with Teo’s suffering, the closeness to his body and emotions, and, definitely, the respect towards the difficulties he’s going through. Because of that, I say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for developing this beautiful project. You DO work for a better world.
Tania has given me back the will to educate my children, and the will to live.
Thanks, Tania, for getting into my life at just the right moment. I’m so grateful for all your good, interesting and skilled advice, and for the training. I had been educating my three children in a harsh discipline, with terrible outcomes, I must admit. And after only one month of training, the change we are experiencing is incredible, and the relationship with my children has clearly improved. Many thanks.
Tania, I feel really thankful for all the workshops you’ve been carrying out. I’ve learned a lot, but above all, I’ve found the biggest support to go ahead with my idea of respectful raising. I’ve sometimes felt disappointed and thought that this wasn’t worth the effort (even reconsidered to come back to the easy way of imposing me over my child), but then, I listened to your audios again and felt positively reloaded right away. And, when I listen to you, I feel sure that this is the correct way to do it, always!! It’s really worth the effort for having a happy child, for teaching him that this family takes him into account. Thank you very much, and please go on with your work and with that incredible energy, because we all need people like you.
Thank you so much for everything you are doing for us, the families, and also for everything you do to help the parents-children relationships improve.
“I started this training looking for practical tools that would help me with the day-to-day issues with my children, especially regarding conflicts management, and I found Tania. She’s strength and sweetness and has made me go further. To get to know and recognize me and to start having, not only tools but a whole different vision of education, life, etc. Thanks.”
I’m not sure about the moment you came into my life, but I’m really proud of having chosen you. You are helping us build an entirely unknown path of love, acceptance, and understanding towards our children, which is really worth living. And this is not just a Christmas gift but FOR A LIFETIME. Thanks, Tania.
“The training I’ve made with you have helped me to change my own and my children’s life. Everything is tough for us; people around do not agree. But we know that it’s the best thing for our kids. Thanks! We’ll continue ahead without forgetting our goal.”
I want to always be there for my daughters. I feel I’m here to guide them; it’s my goal in life. Thanks, Tania, for helping me improve.
Tania’s training has changed our lives. We’ve learned how to connect with our son as we all need, but our relationship as a couple and parents is also improving. Because Tania does not only help adults to educate happier children, but she also contributes to adults’ happiness. Thanks, Tania, and please never give up!
I thank you from my heart, Tania. Yours has turned out to be the most transforming course I’ve done so far (and I have taken a bunch of them). Thanks for getting yourself so involved; and also for believing in such an important thing. You’ve already left your legacy to the world. A big hug.
I’m so happy with the education I’m giving to my children, and that’s all thanks to your training, Tania. I always recommend it to lots of people, in fact, my brother and sister decided to enrol. Thanks, thanks a lot, always.
When my first daughter was born, I then steeped in the “Supernanny way” which was so in those days. I was young and thought that if those professionals said so, it was the right thing to do. But from some time ago, being more mature myself, I started thinking that this procedure was not correct. I had some “brushstrokes” about how I had to do it but didn’t have the guidelines and tools clear at all. I didn’t know how to behave in many day-to-day situations with my children. And when I discovered this training, I knew that here I would find the answers I needed, as it has happened indeed. I’m sure now, like never before, how I want to educate my children. Thanks, Tania.
Many thanks, Tania. I must confess that, when I started the training, I thought I couldn’t change my habits and mind. But step by step, I’m becoming a little more aware every day, and I’m changing my mind quite a lot. Although there’s still so much work to do (especially to get to know my emotions), now I’m sure this is the kind of education I want for my daughters. Thanks, Tania, you are such a special person.